Consulting services for research laboratories

ECG Services

ecg beatWe evaluate paper electrocardiograms (ECG), telemetry ECGs, ECGs on CD/DVD, and ECGs sent via e-mail as a pdf file from any system.  HDO waveform and data analysis is now also available.

If your company does not already utilize our services as your preferred provider, contact your CRO to send the ECG to us.

Our services include the following:

Qualitative Evaluation

  • Diagnosis

Quantitative Evaluation

Comprising any or all of the following:

  • Heart Rate
  • RR interval duration
  • P wave duration and amplitude
  • PR interval duration
  • QRS duration and amplitude
  • QT interval duration
  • ST segment evaluation
  • T wave evaluation
  • Mean Electrical Axis (MEA)

Additional Services

  • ECG equipment and validation
  • Echocardiographic evaluations
  • High Definition Oscillometry (HDO) blood pressure evaluations
  • Customized training sessions and seminars
  • Toxicology consults
  • Laboratory Animal Medicine consults
  • Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee advisement